Super Heroes Bar Crawl

Time to be fabulous again! Which of course means time for another Bar Crawl! This time the theme was "Super Heroes", a theme geeks like me can't resist even if you try to fight me off with a pitchfork! For over three weeks mine and Ashley's costumes have been laying in the dark closets, like lions waiting on their prey, ready to strike. And did they strike or what! 


Dressed up as the famous Mario Brothers we attacked Wolverhampton with soap bubbles, mustasches and excitement! With us we had Beatrix from Kill Bill, several X-mens, the Power Puff Girls and Herminone Granger - a better team is hard to find! Apparently Mario & Luigi are as famous here as in Sweden, and I can't remember when we got so much attention as we did that night - which is of course enjoyable but also a tad nervewracking...

- lovely, right? -

Ashley and I had this game during the evening, where we posed together with complete strangers and help up our fingers where we had drawn our Mustasches. According to the pictures I've calculated it to at least 32 different persons, out of which 2 were business men and one security guard. You can mildly say it was a utterly awesome night!

-Some of the mustasches-
(Och så vill jag passa på att hälsa till Farmor där hemma och hoppas att ni har det bra! Tänker på att er resa till Nederländerna var väldigt läglig med tanke på hur många holländare jag har lärt känna här i England!)


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