Another week

So here we go again! Classes have kicked off very well, however with only one lecture per course (aka 3 lectures per week) will provide me with tons of free time (or tons of studdy time perhaps?) to do things I want. Like try the really cheap yoga class the school has, travel to Bath, Warwick Castle and Wales, party and eat with my new friends and still have time to both study, geek in fornt of the computer and cook healthy stuff.

All courses have very good teachers, and since I have no exams, only assignments, the semester seems  bright! There is now a filled corridor I live in instead of an empty one: two, what I think is, British girls. They are always wearing bath robes and slippers, leave the dishes out and I have no doubt they are both smokers. Of WHAT I dare not say. Then we have Arihab from Saudi-arabia, who seems to be an ally in this dorm, as well as the friendly asian girl with whom I have yet to speak. Finally it is a, please consider this diplomatic, dark girl who makes odd, smoky food that makes me cough, but she is good at cleanign up her mess and she seems nice :)

I have tried the british clubs with Helen and Leonli, a dutch girl, and of course it is similar to sweden....but not quite the same ;)
1) Cheaper boose. Profit. 
2) Same music, however the night can start with some good old Linkin Park, Metero station and papa roach only to then turn into the same as back home.
3) the amount ot drinks offered by guys. Can't stress this one enough, it is always awesome when a guy buys you a drink, regardless if it's a beer, jägerbomb or a bacardi-cola!
4) The outfits. British girls can't accessorise whatsoever. However they do a good job showing off FAR too much skin. Ugh.
5) The dancing. It is soo stiff when you look out over a british dance floor. Luckily a few Swedes, french and dutch students can fix that easily.
6) did I mention that guys buys you drinks?


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