Castellanza - First Night Out

The ESN group (the party-fixers) had arranged for all the new exchange students to go to a local pub (30 meters from school, which is great) to get to know each other a bit. It was a really nice idea, the music was low so you could actually talk, it was warm enough to stand outside in t-shirt even though it was late, and the people were awesome. There are about 10 Swedes here, which makes us one of larger groups of nationality, but we do our best to not just join and hang out with the other Swedes but all nationalities. Compared to the French for example...;) So far I hang out most with (apart from Sanaz & Gabriel) a group of Scotsmen and three girls from Hong-Kong. Going international is always awesome!

A Green Beer

- Already a legendary drink around here -

Here are some photos from Castellanza take with my phone, since I don’t have gotten a hold of a camera yet. Today we’ll have the “Italian test” (which means that I will look at the paper,  shrug, write my name at the top and hand it in), and since there are no scheduled activates we created one of our own, so there’ll be some sort of game night down at the reception. You must dare to be social to get friends, that’s the one rule to rule them all when you go abroad!

- Campus - Campus - Castellanza - Castellanza -


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