Legnano & International Dinner

After a little meeting this "morning" (because 11:00 is totally still morning. During kick-off week at least!) Sanaz and I were free from class. Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you that the class Italian lever 1 have started. And it's intense. Mi chiamo Ida, io sono straniero. Da dove viene? Abito a svezia. One lecture in and we're already doing scentences and grammar, woho! 

Anyways, since we were free we decided to take a walk to Legnano, one of the many other little towns next to Castellanza. With us we brought Michelle from Belgium, and off we went! It took about 15 minutes to reach the village, and another 5 to get to what we thought was the center (we found the shopping center, but apparently there's an avenue that we completely missed...), so it's really close :) Today was also one of the sunniest days yet, I can feel how the tan is creeping up on me!


- Some pictures from Legnano -
During the evening the ESN crew had arranged for an International Dinner Party, so each nationality was supposed to bring some tradition foods. Thanks to Niclas and Anna we got a hold of swedish meatballs, mashed potatos, cream sauce and lingonberries (I <3 IKEA) so we could serve proper swedish food ;) People served everything from wienerschnitzel, pancakes, baugettes, bubble tea from Taiwan, healthy soup from Hong Kong, pig ears (...) and pizza. It was so many different dishes, you couldn't even taste all of them before you were full! I love food trades between cultures, you always get so many new ideas of what kind of food you can make yourself later on!
- Jenny with hat - Gossip - Lederhosen - Preparations -
- ESN table - The Swedish House Maffia - Overview -
- Food - Omnomnom -


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